What is fuchsia Os?

Hello folk,

basically Fuchsia is a flower which is easily found at new-Zealand, it’s has purple and beautiful leaf.

Ok ok back to the technical term fuchsia is an operating system which is made by google to replace the android (as rumours), fuchsia has greate adwantage fuchsia can run on all platforms like Pc, Mobile, Desktop, Watch, Auto etc.

Long to short fuchsia is designed to run on all platform, you may ask it was especially design for INTERNET OF THINGS, yes IOT where all your home product communicate together to provide you better experience!!

Google work on fuchsia since august-2016 you will reach git repo here, basically it’s not a first os of google before it google will launch their crome os, android os, etc.
but that was not designed for very platform(IOT) but fuchsia has ability to run on vary platform as discussed above, plus fuchsia has huge adwantage fuchsia support an android app.

Operating system like android, window, linux are run on their own or linux kernel but fuchsia has its own micro kernel called Zircon, another attractive features of fuchsia is it’s has very cool GUI and also has one bad news for people who love launcher fuchsia doesn’t support launcher yes fuchsia doesn’t support launcher you will run you application direct through the screen!!

Plus Fuchsia support tab support(similar to split screen) you can run more than 3 app continuously on single screen via tab on screen.

Right now fuchsia is under construction but armadillo shell(demo) is here to show how Fuchsia looks like you can install application via below button (Drive link)!!

Last word : Fuchsia is still under construction after 3 year just think how and why google work on it because of new era comming be prepared!!

Plus fuchsia has it’s own language to build an app basically flutter is primery way to build an app!! Flutter support dart language to code!! I will launch new post on flutter soon!!!

Fuchsia os demo version at glimpse:

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Source : wiki

Official site : flutter

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