What is Flutter?

Hello folks,

Welcome back to Log Imp today we discuss one of new software Technology called flutter, so in this post we discuss what is flutter? Where it’s have been used and future of flutter so are you ready to dive in flutter let’s Jump in!

So Flutter is an open-source mobile application development SDK created by Google. It is used to develop applications for Android and iOS, as well as being the primary method of creating applications for Google Fuchsia.

Also read : what is Fuchsia OS?

The first version of Flutter was known as “Sky” and ran on the Android operating system. It was unveiled at the 2015 Dart developer summit, with the stated intent of being able to render consistently at 120 frames per second.

During the keynote of Google Developer Days in Shanghai, Google announced Flutter Release Preview 2 which is the last big release before Flutter 1.0.

On December 4th, 2018, Flutter 1.0 was released at the Flutter Live event, denoting the first “stable” version of the Framework.

Brief about architecture and framework

The major components of Flutter include:

Dart platform

Flutter engine

Foundation library

Design-specific widgets

Dart platform

On Android, and on Windows, macOS and Linux via the semi-official Flutter Desktop Embedding project, Flutter runs in the Dart virtual machine which features a just-in-time execution engine. Due to App Store restrictions on dynamic code execution, Flutter apps use ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation on iOS.

A notable feature of the Dart platform is its support for “hot reload” where modifications to source files can be injected into a running application. Flutter extends this with support for stateful hot reload, where in most cases changes to source code can be reflected immediately in the running app without requiring a restart or any loss of state. This feature as implemented in Flutter has received widespread praise.

Flutter Engine

Flutter’s engine, written primarily in C++, provides low-level renderings support using Google’s Skia graphics library. Additionally, it interfaces with platform-specificSDKs such as those provided by Android and iOS

Foundation Library

The Foundation library, written in Dart, provides basic classes and functions which are used to construct applications using Flutter, such as APIs to communicate with the engine.


Ui design in Flutter typically involves assembling and/or creating various widgets. A widget in Flutter represents an immutable description of part of the user interface; all graphics, including text, shapes, and animations are created using widgets. More complex widgets can be created by combining many simpler ones.

However, the use of widgets is not strictly required to build Flutter apps. An alternative option is to use the Foundation library’s methods directly, interfacing with “canvas” commands to draw shapes, text, and imagery directly to the screen. This property of Flutter has been utilized in a few frameworks, such as the open-source Flame game engine.

My point of view about flutter

As my point of view flutter has very large future due to fuchsia after Defeating case from oracle google need a way to reduce the use of java and thats why kotlin was developed but that’s not much success like flutter.

Another thing flutter attract me is its hot reload, another adwantage flutter is we no need to maintain multiple file for design, code etc using Dart we only need to maintain only one file for logic as well design, plus using flutter we are able to create android as well as IOS application which is quite good (seems like ek kakre be pakshi marva).

Flutter Resources

Last word : hey there, who’s wait? you have been just go to start coding in flutter because it’s quit easy and sexy.

Happy coding!!

Source : Wiki

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